What we do…
Changing isn’t easy. That’s why we do all we can to make it easier – and fun!
Have you ever wanted to change something that you do (or don’t do) and been amazed at how effectively you sabotage your own best efforts?
What we do…
Changing isn’t easy. That’s why we do all we can to make it easier – and fun!
Have you ever wanted to change something that you do (or don’t do) and been amazed at how effectively you sabotage your own best efforts?

Everyday, all over the world, people decide to make changes that they know will make them healthier and happier.
They understand what’s good for them. After all, there is plenty of advice out there about the things we should and shouldn’t be doing.
Yet, change can feel hard, and the old habits continue.
At NISAD, we ask ‘Why’?
We’re really interested in why it can feel so hard to change our habits and behaviours. And we know that for each person the reason is different.
In most cases, it will stem from an internal dichotomy. A dichotomy can be felt when a part of us wants one thing and another part of us wants something quite different.
NISAD research and develop engaging and effective ways for people to navigate their unhelpful dichotomies. The support we will then provide – through our upcoming ELK.Health programmes and clinics – is responsive and customisable.
And, more importantly, lots of fun. The secret of successful behaviour change is to make the process lots of fun.

Story-based clinical methodology underpins what we do. The Lund Initiative will provide a novel and exciting way to bring about change.

Very often people become unwell because they are not doing something that would help them be healthier. At NISAD, we assist people who would like to change their habits and behaviours so that they can lead healthier and happier lives.
Our programmes

Our Response to Coronavirus
In response to the Coronavirus outbreak, we have turned our attention to COVID-19 Diagnostics and in particular three areas of research:
Coronavirus Testing, Testing for Coronavirus antibodies & Psychological Support.

Who we help
Our foundational programme, #CertainAboutUncertainty, is being designed (with age-specific adaptations) for everyone from age 8 upwards – wherever they are in the world – to provide the tools and understanding necessary in order to skilfully manage emotions and make healthful choices, in the face of uncertainty.
Following on from this we will be developing targeted programmes for specific issues – beginning with
- Stress in pregnancy
- Excess body-fat
- Type 2 Diabetes
and later…
- Anxiety
- Excess-stress
- Depression
- Sleep troubles
Memory difficulties - Loneliness
- Relationship problems
- Navigating age-specific milestones

The Lund Initiative

Coming Soon…
Who we help
Our foundational programme, #CertainAboutUncertainty, is being designed (with age-specific adaptations) for everyone from age 8 upwards – wherever they are in the world – to provide the tools and understanding necessary in order to skilfully manage emotions and make healthful choices, in the face of uncertainty.
Following on from this we will be developing targeted programmes for specific issues – beginning with
- Stress in pregnancy
- Excess body-fat
- Type 2 Diabetes
and later…
- Anxiety
- Excess-stress
- Depression
Sleep troubles - Memory difficulties
Loneliness - Relationship problems
- Navigating age-specific milestones

The Lund Initiative

Coming Soon…

With every single person who comes to us, we seek to understand the complex and individual relationship between:
their life experiences,
their attitudes and motivations,
their beliefs about how things are,
and their body chemistry.
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Babies don’t come with instructions. Yet I felt like the instructions practically rained over me since the day I announced my pregnancy. I’ve...
What’s the difference between fear and anxiety?
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What would we tell our 15 year old selves?
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