The National Institutes for Stress, Anxiety and Depression (NISAD) is an umbrella organisation, created by scientists, psychologists, clinicians and members of the public who care about modern health issues.
We are global leaders in wellbeing and preventative medicine for all:
Nationella instituten för stress, ångest & depression
The National Institutes for Stress, Anxiety and Depression (NISAD) is an umbrella organisation, created by scientists, psychologists, clinicians and members of the public who care about modern health issues.
We are global leaders in wellbeing and preventative medicine for all:
For every child, every adolescent and every adult whether they are in their teens or over a hundred.

National Institutes for Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Nationella instituten för stress, ångest & depression
ನಿವಾರಣೆಯ ರಾಷ್ಟೀಯ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆ
Our programmes are designed specifically to help anyone, and everyone, be happier, healthier, more productive and less vulnerable to modern physical and emotional illnesses.
NISAD Milestone Suite of Programmes
Solutions from pre-birth to end of life
NISAD Milestone Suite of Programmes

Solutions from pre-birth to end of life
We are developing ground-breaking support to help people
change harmful behaviours that can have a negative impact on
long-term mental and physical health
into beneficial behaviours that have a positive impact.
We are a team of innovative scientists, researchers & therapists working with behaviour change.
We all share a passion, to improve the long-term mental health of our global population.
We are a new and growing organisation made up of caring, visionary, credible and compassionate people including biomedical scientists, and therapeutic clinicians who are not bound by 20th century conventions and who embrace curiosity, kindness, diversity, equality and inclusion in finding new and better solutions to old problems.
A world where people can live their healthiest and happiest lives by being emotionally and physically fit and well.
We research and develop innovative and nuanced programmes, games and apps.

To radically change how emotional health is valued, achieved and maintained to make it equal in importance to physical health and for support to be clinically-backed, research-based, effective, affordable and easily available to all.
Our Research

We are revolutionising old models of laboratory diagnostics, through curiosity and fresh-thinking.
NISAD specialises in the common ground that includes both biomedical science and advanced behavioural psychology.
To do this, we have our own specialist research arm, concentrating purely on body chemistries, called NISAD-MAP led by Professor Ray Iles.
NISAD-MAP is fighting to address the limitations and drawbacks in current clinical diagnostics.
Insight, Stories & News
Letting go of expectations as a new mother
Babies don’t come with instructions. Yet I felt like the instructions practically rained over me since the day I announced my pregnancy. I’ve...
What’s the difference between fear and anxiety?
Performance anxiety, fear of public-speaking or good, old stage fright? Fear of flying or being a nervous flyer? Social phobia or social anxiety?...
What would we tell our 15 year old selves?
Many people think of their teenage years as a tough time in their lives for various reasons. Being between childhood and adulthood is an awkward...