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Project Co-ordinator
(Newry – Dundalk) (Initially part-time)
The role will include a mixture of working from home and from our Newry and Dundalk offices. We envisage that work will largely be undertaken from home to begin with but, if that’s difficult, office facilities are there for you.
We are in the process of creating a number of project development, marketing and strategy centres for programmes and products that NISAD have created – and we are looking at the feasibility of putting one or more of them in the Newry-Dundalk area.
Our new ELK programmes, products and services will cover a number of health and wellbeing challenges designed for the global market and provide life-changing solutions for humans from pre-birth to old-age.
We are researching and creating hugely innovative programmes to reduce fractiousness in babies, to resource tweens so that their mental health is robust enough to survive what too often are very difficult teenage years, and to provide individuals and employers with unique ways to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
We are looking at new ways for children to be able to convey their feelings through sounds, colours, animations and music.
We have created programmes to support people concerned about Type 2 diabetes and those who struggle with their shape and size.
We will have programmes specifically for some of the essential professionals who are under most pressure on a routine basis – such as those working in the emergency services, teachers, midwives, nurses and doctors.
All of these need bases from which their worldwide sales can be planned and executed.
We are looking for a talented individual to help us carry out our feasibility study and start getting the ball rolling in Newry – Dundalk by creating the necessary charities, social enterprises and for-profit businesses.
It’s an exciting job that requires flexibility and self-resourcefulness from the successful candidate.
In exchange, we will pay well and show flexibility ourselves in moulding the job to fit in with the other priorities in your life.
Salary: This position begins as a part-time role, and it is our intention to increase the hours, to suit the successful applicant, no later than the second quarter of next year. The initial pay will be calculated at €30.00 per hour with a guaranteed minimum monthly amount of €775.00. This will be paid if the hours worked per week are 6 or less. If they exceed 129 per calendar month, then each hour will be remunerated at €30.00
More details and an application form:
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