Pioneers for better
emotional and physical health
through research,
access & compassion
National Institutes for Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Behavioural Change
Na h-Institiúidí Náisiúnta um Strus, Imní, Dúlagar ⁊ Athrú Iompraíochta

Pioneers for better
emotional and
physical health
National Institutes for Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Behavioural Change
Nationella Instituten för Stress, Ångest, Depression & Beteendeförändring
We are currently overhauling and updating our website to reflect our research on testing for the coronavirus and the support we are providing to people affected by COVID-19
Who are we?
NISAD – National Institutes for Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Behavioural Change are seven foundations, associations and research centres working to a common goal.
What sort of people do we help?
We help everyone who has a condition that people “get” – and many with a condition that they “catch”, including new monitoring for epidemic-causing viruses and the antibodies that fight them.
What do we do?
We are experts at behaviour change.
With us, people change what they do and don’t do, so that they are more likely to live longer and live well.
Where can you get help?
You can be anywhere. We’ll get you help!
Because Type 2 diabetes is a disease that can be reversed, with successful behaviour change, NISAD also runs a non-governmental organisation to support and advise people with or concerned about Type 2.
Where on earth…?
We can help anyone, anywhere – COVID-19 compliant, innovative and safe.
We believe that emotional support
is as vital to our wellbeing
as physical healthcare.
Therefore, it has to be available to everyone:
locally, and at a price that is affordable for all.
NISAD works with both emotional and physical health because we believe that the separation of these two aspects is a major hindrance to getting better.
We are Pioneers
NISAD-MAP (the Behavioural Endocrinology arm of NISAD) is fighting to address the limitations and drawbacks in current clinical diagnostics.
We know:
Human beings are complex organisms – to get a full understanding of a body’s disease it can be necessary to do multiple tests.
We also know:
This can become very expensive, very rapidly.
Often these methods don’t counter for the varying ways that disease can manifest, meaning it can go undetected.
Through the use of MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry, our head of Biomedical Sciences at NISAD-MAP, Professor Ray Iles, is leading the development of a new technology.
It will make it easier and cheaper to detect intractable human conditions (such as haemoglobinopathies) as well as world-wide pandemic threats from emerging viruses like COVID-19.
We are not going to settle for the status quo: we are pioneering the next advancement, not just in those places where resources are still relatively abundant – but for the benefit of everyone, everywhere.
Our latest research
ELK.Health: our revolutionary clinics and programmes
We work with stress, anxiety, depression and many conditions where behaviour change can make a difference.
Alleviating the distress of anxiety so we feel we can cope again.
Alleviating the distress of anxiety so we feel we can cope again.
We are Pioneers
Fighting for better emotional and physical health
Globally. Locally. Affordably.
BFM – Body-Fat Management
Size is not about weight. Throw away the scales! The revolutionary NoWeigh programme.
Story-based Clinical Methodology
Humans have always told stories to pass on learning. With this approach, we can find learning new skills easier.
Depression can rob us of all hope. Let’s take our lives back.
Feeling too much pressure? We can learn to skilfully manage our stress.
The story of Erik the elk
Erik is the star of a lot of our stories and animations. Find out about Erik’s own story and ELK.Health.
Health challenges are like buses
…often more than one come along at once.
We look at the whole story. Why do we study what we study?
Emotional Health
What is emotional health and why is it so important?
Stress in pregnancy is a modern challenge that requires specialist treatment.
The latest research and the work we’re doing
The latest research and the work we’re doing
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What makes us different?
We bring together some of the most exciting research materials on these debilitating conditions
Too much body-fat
Memory-related conditions
Poor sleep
Excess stress
Too much stress during pregnancy
Type 2 diabetes
Unsatisfactory relationships at home and at work
and produce innovative programmes, apps and games backed by the very best clinical support.
We are professional clinicians and scientists passionate about innovation and affordability:
We think outside the box
and create programmes of care
that everyone can access.
We are committed to sponsoring affordable, specialist clinics, always available locally, that provide direct support to people on our programmes.